Join Amersham A Cappella

Singing is good for the soul and once a week our diverse group of ladies take a break from their busy lives and come together to do what they love; sing!

We are a local a cappella choir based in Amersham, which is where we hold our weekly rehearsals. All you need to join is to be able to sing in tune. You don't need lots of experience or to be able to read music.

It’s a lot of fun, but it’s definitely a case of the more you give, the more you get back. You need to be able to learn music, (as we perform without sheet music) and you must be able to regularly attend rehearsals in order to participate in performances. You will be rewarded by establishing lasting friendships, having endless fun and experiencing the buzz of being a part of something truly special.

I can't read music so I was worried about joining, but I soon found out I wasn’t alone. We have teach tracks so all members with all musical abilities can learn our songs. I listened to them over and over to learn, while others write out the words and notes in their own funny language – whatever works seems to be fine!

Ronny, Account Manager

Interested? We’d love to invite you to our next Casting call – do come along and see first-hand the fun, energy and sound that we generate! Let us know you’re coming, click below


Visit a rehearsal


See what we're all about and visit one of out rehersals led by our excellent music team. We like to have a lot of fun and enjoy the prospect of having visitors join us.

The Audition Process


If you are interested in joining our ladies choir, then you can find out a little more about the audition process and what to expect here.

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Amersham A Cappella